Friday, March 26, 2010

Soap Making

Last week my friend Heather and I took a soap making class. It was so much fun!

Part of my homesteading goals is to make as much of my own products for family use as I possible can. (whithin reason!)
I want to know:

where is comes from,

what is in it,

what effect on the Earth is has,

is it safe/healthy for my family ect...

Making our own soap fit right in there!

Come to find out that it does have an ingrediant in it that can be "scary" while in the soap making process...LYE

This is a toxic ingredent that when mixed with rich, fatten oils goes through a soponification process. The fats that are acidic mixed with the lye which is alkaline, this nutralizes the mixture and the end product is SOAP and glycerin. Once mixed there is no more lye and it is perfectly safe!

The soap I made was ;

Coconut oil

Olive oil

Organic Sunflower oil

Palm Oil

Dead Sea clay

Nutmeg oil

Sweet Orange oil

Honey &


I have to what 2 weeks to use week to go! It smells so wonderful, and I have 15 bars of it! Heather's soap was similar but she used , Cucumber and Lime (no clay). We decided to split out batches so we will have 1/2 of each kind! - thanks Heather!

I really want to make a shampoo bar so I do not have to buy bottles of shampoo and contitioner any more! I will let you know when I get started on this adventure!


  1. So, how did it come out? Did it work well? Was it easy to get all those oils?

  2. OH My I love it! I have around 5 bars left! It makes my skin so soft! I didnt have to get the oils, The lady running the class provided all the materials, but....the oils are easy to get...
    check out the next blog on soap making....
