In the beginiing....
About 5 years ago my cousin Shannon asked me to join her in a soy candle buisness. We were triing to find a way to make some money while staying home with our children. Mason was about 5 months old and Shannon was newly pregnant. That was great news!
We Shannon had started the company called Bean Town Candles, after some time of triing to work with the color dye, we decided that having the candles without color "Naked" would be easier and healthier...
The Naked Candle Company was born!
It wasnt to long after that , shannon realized the scents from making the candles were to strong for her while pregnant :( She decided it was not going to work for her and agreed to let me continue on my own...;)
Five years later I am still making candles. I had a couple of periods of time when I didnt do much with the company due to the busy life of a new family.
The Naked Candle company did well dispite my slow efforts...friends and family and repeat customers kept wanted more and more! I went to craft shows in Mansfield and Dedham were the candles were well recieved! Even thought the craft shows were ALOT of work (those candles are heavy!) I loved them. I met some wonderful people there! I have a collection of buisness cards from other sellers that are also selling thier great products! One of my favorite stroies from the Mansfield craft show...
It was Christmas time and I had all my candles on display, so many people were gathered around the table and smelling the candles "Ohhh!", "That smells so good", I love this one, and this one and this one!"
but the comment I heard the most was..
"WOW that smells like Christmas"! (it was the Mistletoe candle that smells like a christmas tree and my best seller of all time!)
This happened so much that I finally decided to change the name to "Smells LIke Christmas"!
As much fun as the craft shows were, there were alot of work! I still do one in Dedham for my mother in law Sherry's office, but I take orders instead of lugging tons of candles there!
Leagal woes:
So during all this time I was aware that there was a company in Chicago that has the name "The Naked Candle Co" trademarked. I still used the name here in Massachusettes with a DBA, and figured I would never be big enough for them to notice. Not to mention by the time I check and found out I had already printed out TONS of lables, buisness cards, a banner, stamper, ect... And "Its a great name!"
At some point last year that company gave up that name! Great!
Had I known it would have worked out perfectly, but I didnt know and someone eles scooped up the name and they are here in MA! That was heartbreaking! Now all my customers that go looking to ME will find another completly different company!
a new recycled company...
It took me all summer and fall to recycle the company into something totally new. Coming up with a new name was the hardest and most exausting part....I wanted/had to find something that represented this company's commitment to the a clean Earth. (and it had to NOT be TRADEMARKED yet!)
After many, many many names I finally came up with SOyKind!
SOy Kind with the Earth in Mind!
SOy Kind with lead free wicks
SOy Kind with GMO free soy wax
SOy Kind with reclaimed or recycled packaging
SOy Kind without
petroleum chemicals, preservatives or artificial colorants
After many more trial and errors I came up with the logo too!
Its been a long journey, I still get sad somtimes about the loss of The Naked Candle Co, esspecially when I had to "recycle" all the lables, the banner, stamps, paper work ect.... but so is life and life goes on!
Check them out at...