Monday, January 24, 2011

The New Schoolroom

It has been a VERY busy week around here!  The new room is almost done!  I am having an issue with shelving...I can be impatient and I want to run to Walmart or Ikea and just buy some shelves so I can finish the I can get myself to actually do that because I try to make conscience decisions on where I buy from, especially big ticket items.  Money wise it would make sense to buy from a big box store, cause you get more for your money, get what you pay for.  We took a ride to look at book shelves at The Mill Store.  They make all pine furniture, and my husband had a hard time spending twice as much money for one we came home with nothing.  I think I am going to have to be patient and get the wood and build them myself...this would be the most satisfying choice, if I can get myself to hang on while I find time to do this!
I also tried Craigslist and Freecycle with no luck.....
Well anyway here are some pictures of getting the room ready.  The boys helped me stir the paint and they got to paint one wall! 

 This is the room just about done...minus some shelves! It is a long and narrow room.  I am standing in the door way.  We had to keep James old bed in there, but I figured out a great way to use it! The far end is James area and closer to me is Mason's area.

 So this is how I used the bed! It has drawers under it that slide back, so I filled them with Science, Geography, Math, Practical Life and toddler toys and pushed it way under, leaving room in front for baskets and bigger materials.  On the top, I took off the mattress and put the wooden cubes across the back. James can use a stool to sit up there and pick and do his work. Two cozy pillows make it comfy cozy up there!

The 2 school desk were given to us from another home school family, but they no longer go with what I want in the room, so as soon as I get those shelves made, they will be finding a new home. There will be shelves to the right of where I am standing as well (hopefully soon) I will repost when it is complete with more details of what is on the shelves.